Vintage Elements offers a variety of beautiful antique French limestone flooring slabs that have been reclaimed from manor home floors and farmhouse ceilings in France, as well as church floors in Belgium and sidewalks in Israel. Although these are very hard limestone varieties, centuries-long wear and tear have produced a beautiful worn surface. These slabs, however, remain extremely durable, enhanced with a dramatic patina that is unmatched in the flooring industry. Our antique Dalle de Bourgogne, Belgian Bluestone, Bar Gris or Grey Barr and Jerusalem limestone floors with their time-worn edges, gently scarred surfaces, and undulated smooth appearances create stunning floors with a wide spectrum of warm colors and shades. All our antique limestone slabs are cut down to a thickness of 1 1/4” to allow installation on regular sub floors. Vintage Elements also offers a wide variety of newly aged French Limestone floors such as stones from the Burgundy and Perigord region. Handaged these new floors simulate their antique counterparts but with reduced thickness for easier installation and lower cost.